Mood Board
Crying Tracker
Jenìda almost feels like home, most of my life has been filled with a sense of Jenìda.
Jenìda can be found on lonely nights, watching stories, in the comfort of the comforter, wondering why you are not worthy.
Jenìda can be found in unread messages, in the exploitation of your body, just to feel loved for a moment.
Jenìda can be found in visiting home, realizing that this space is no longer your childhood. It is now overrun with cigarette stains, Budweiser cans, and joints sitting in ashtrays
Jenìda can be found in long bus rides, moments of silence, and moments of vulnerability in your mind when you realize you are going to die alone.
Jenìda may hold similarities to Ändäwkwä̀zhà, one might say itʼs the trail you take when you want to reach Ändäwkwä̀zhàʼs peak.